You need to prepare your Company’s Audited Financial Statement. Here is a relevant article to help you understand what is going on: Annual Compliance Requirement.

Important Notice: The audited account must be lodged with CCM within the requisite period, failing which penalty of up to RM500,000.00 (Failure to Prepare), RM50,000.00 (Failure to Circulate) and RM50,000.00 (Failure to Lodge) may be imposed by CCM.

You are just 3 Steps Away from complying with the Companies Act 2016:

Step 1 – Request Quotation

The preparation of the Audited Financial Statement must be done by a Public Accountant. Methods used to calculate audit service fees may vary according to the nature of business and appointed Public Accountant.

Kindly use the following link to request for quotation from a Public Accountant:

Request for Quotation for Audit Services

Step 2 – Appoint an Auditor

Accept the quotation received or choose any other preferred public accountant to assist with the preparation of the audited financial statement.

Step 3 – We will Handle the Rest

After the successful appointment of an auditor, they will get in touch with us to formalize the appointment and request relevant information to start work. We deal directly with the public accountant from that point onwards.

We hope the above is clear, should you face difficulty to complete the form or require any further clarification and information about the services, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or +603-5039 1015.

*Terms and conditions apply.
**All fees quoted are excluding SST of 8%.

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